Friday 18 March 2016

Revised Character Ideas & Storyline

After Presentation Feedback
  • First Female Villain
  • Early twenties
  • She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the outside world by her neighbour who provides her with her everyday 'requirements', human flesh.
  • Claudia has taken gruesome inspiration from a lifetime of watching horror movies and murders survivors in gruesome ways. Claudia learns to live off human flesh at the end of the world where the source of food is running out.
  • From her obsession with horror films she was able to watch before the apocalypse, she bases her look on powerful women or famous femme fatale's. However, obviously in the end of the world makeup is non-existent. She uses whatever she can find to keep up appearances in her deluded world of isolation. Claudia will also have a tell-tale sign or indication to signal to the audience subtly that she is the baddie
  • Using her female power and attraction, she keeps her neighbour Mrs Laderman controlled through emotional blackmail and physical attacks to deliver her the humans ready for slaughter.
  • After months of this horrific torture, Mrs Laderman fights back and delivers Claudia her something different to end this brutality...a walker...
Mrs Laderman (Rose)
  • Contrasting good character vs the evil villain
  • Slightly older than to Claudia
  • She is Claudia's only link to the outside world as her neighbour before the world began to end
  • As the apocalypse began, she sought safety with Claudia as all her family died early on
  • She becomes the victim of Claudia's drive to be a cannibal and forces her to deliver humans. If not she is threatened to be butchered herself within an inch of her life, cast away and left to become a zombie like the rest of her dead family and husband.
  • Her first name is Rose but is know by her title to keep memory of her life before the apocalypse.
  • Mrs Laderman spends her everyday life in the world of walkers attempting to survive and complete Claudia's demands to remain alive and safe herself.
  • She falls under her spell and actually begins to fall for her, much like the Stockholm Syndrome.
  • However, ultimately she is a good person and cannot battle with her morals any longer (after months of this trauma) and decides to turn against Claudia and escape.
  • Mrs Laderman delivers an infected, who bites Claudia whilst she struggles to murder them. Mrs Laderman escapes this torture to become part of a better world...ending up running into the current Walking Dead characters who save her. She begins a new life of survival as Rose. 
  • This series of events is when I will portray my characters in my final set of photos: Claudia has just been bitten and Mrs Laderman has just escaped.

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