Monday 28 March 2016

Effects of an Apocalyptic World

In the modern day and in recent history, there are occasions where areas of the world in surrounded by devastation and can resemble an apocalyptic world. As my two characters will be living in a bare, dirty and death-ridden location I need to understand the effects these type of areas can have on human beings. 

War is an ongoing issue around the world throughout the history of mankind. Homes, families and lives are severely disrupted by warfare. Once war is resolved and ends, unfortunately the negative effects on people do not stop. 'Soldiers not only suffered on the battlefield. Veterans often needed long-term care owing to the physical and psychological impact of war. The close proximity of people in wartime conditions meant diseases such as tuberculosis could easily spread. The exertion of battle could highlight other health problems including asthma and heart conditions. In addition to physical problems either exacerbated or caused by war, emotional problems could also be brought on by battle. The First World War is often associated with the syndrome called shell shock. This was originally believed to have a physical origin, caused by the impact of loud shelling. However, it became clear that soldiers who had never been exposed to shells were developing the same symptoms.' (Science Museum, 2016). 

Nuclear warfare is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weaponry is used to inflict damage on the enemy. Compared to conventional warfare, nuclear warfare can be vastly more destructive in range and extent of damage, and in a much shorter time. A major nuclear exchange would have long-term effects, primarily from the fallout released, and could also lead to a "nuclear winter" that could last for decades, centuries, or even millennia after the initial attack. (Britannica, 2016).

A current and very real threat of war that could cause an apocalyptic-like world in our homes is ISIS. Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq. IS claims to have fighters from the UK, France, Germany and other European countries, as well as the US, the Arab world and the Caucasus. The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control. In 2015 and 2016, ISIL claimed responsibility for a number of high profile terrorist attacks outside Iraq and Syria, including a mass shooting at a Tunisian tourist resort (38 European tourists killed), the November 2015 Paris attacks (130 civilians killed) and the 2016 Brussels bombings (over 30 civilians killed). 

These types of war could all be things that could lead up to an apocalypse. A nuclear war could leave the world in a nuclear winter and the remaining survivors are infected with radiations leaving the majority of the world as walkers. World wars and current affairs demonstrate how people can turn against each other at 'the end of the world', often shown in The Walking Dead. It can bring out the very worst of human nature and this can be reflected in my character of Claudia. Her hold over her could be compared to the extremist group ISIS as they control cities through fear and killing. The post-war effects I researched like easily-spread diseases and highlighting health problems may help how I can present Mrs Laderman, perhaps with an infection or very skinny due to health issues at the end of the world not getting treated.


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