Friday 18 March 2016

Current Leading Walking Dead Characters - How Will Mine Fit In?

Season 6

Rick is the leading character and  the one the audience have followed from the beginning. He awoke from a coma in the first ever episode and has been on a quest for survival ever since as the leader of his mis-match, collected team of various people he has met over the series. He has lost vital members of his crew (and his family) which has caused him to have many psychotic episodes and has turned him to madness many times. He is a key example of what the end of the world could transform you into and the extreme spectre of emotions humans have.

Glenn saved Rick in the first episode from impending death and has ever since been his loyal friend and team member. He fell in love with fellow character Maggie and has 'married' her since the apocalypse begin. He has had many close shaves with death and is strong fighter who continuously will do anything to defend the people he loves.

Maggie is Glenn's wife. Like Rick, she has lost many people she loves throughout her time on the show. However, she has never been broken. She is a strong female role who is physically and mentally on par with the leading males. Maggie has also managed to escape her way out of a hostage situation alongside her husband! The two of them are a powerful team who will not stop at anything to stay together. It has recently been discovered she is pregnant but this has not held her back from a ton of zombie (and human!) fighting. 

Carol entered the show as an abused, vulnerable wife with a young child. Following one of the first (and biggest) plot twists she loses her child and this is the beginning of her transformation into a fierce and profound female member of the cast. She is the one who will take the most drastic measures to keep the family together, so much so she was one cast away by Rick for a series. Carol demonstrates how tragedy and loss can force a powerful and positive transformation upon you.

The Wolves are this series most threatening aspect. These survivors started to scavenge around the Washington, D.C. area, killing and luring other survivors into traps, taking all of their supplies and using them as bait after they turn. They also write a "W" on their own heads by carving it into their flesh. Having this distinguishing mark makes their presence instantly terrifying and make them an iconic team of villains.

Walkers are the overriding fear and threat throughout all 6 series of the tv show. They have taken many characters away from us and give The Walking Dead the most gruesome moments. Leading makeup artist Greg Nicotero and his team bring these zombies to life in the most magnificent way and I can't wait to incorporate this into my project.

How will Claudia and Mrs Laderman fit in?
  • Once The Wolves are taken out by the hero's, Claudia will take over as the villain
  • From within her isolated flat, she witnessed The Wolves luring in and kidnapping people and follows in their stride by physically and mentally blackmailing Mrs Laderman to do the same for her
  • Claudia takes the brutality of The Wolves one step further - she eats the victims
  • Walking Dead villains usually get murdered by the hero's in horrific ways (i.e sword through the chest, burnt alive or fed zombie-infected human meat) so I will make up Claudia at the point of her gruesome departure
Mrs Rose Laderman
  • She will be attempting to survive as hard as the current Walking Dead characters
  • Much like the others, she has lost all her loved ones and has fallen under the spell of Claudia. She is emotionally taken advantage of and is lured in as she falls in love with her
  • Rose Laderman will have battle scars from her physical blackmail from Claudia (attempts to kill her and leave her for a zombie)
  • She reaches her limits of morality and knows she has to break free and transform into the hero by getting rid of Claudia.
  • When other villains die, the character who detests them most are often the ones who kill them - therefore Mrs Laderman will be the one to deliver her fate to her

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