Sunday 21 February 2016

Tranforming Miss Havisham from Page to Screen

As this unit is focused around high definition makeup and broadcasting, my design for Miss Havisham must take into account the amount of detail and precision the look needs to be realistic for the screen. I have decided to base my design around the final stage in the novel that Miss Havisham features in. After Pip visits for the last time, Miss Havisham tries to seek forgiveness and redeem herself following deliberately creating a life of misery and heartbreak for young Pip. Once he agrees to forgive her, it is as though her life is complete and she needs to be set free. Shortly after his departure, she is caught in a fire and soon dies after. My design for this character will show her just before her death, her face will reflect a life of torment and loss alongside visible skin irritations or altercations as she has been a reclusive for the majority of her adult life is a large, abandoned mansion full of damp and dust.

  • Makeup design: I want to use some of my recent skills of light sfx to demonstrate to the viewer her age and her damaged skin. It is hinted throughout the book she is around 50 years old, but her lifestyle would've undoubtedly aged her further. I want to experiment using liquid latex to create wrinkles on my model but I will also try out using natural concealer/foundation shades to sculpt these out further. I do not want her to look like a theatrical old lady so I will have to experiment to see which is the best hd product for a subtle affect. I also want to use latex to create dry, flaky skin and chapped lips. Her complexion will be pale, but not a flat white as she is still alive. A brush of white through the brows will age her further and I am thinking about adding a red shade in or around the eyes to hint to an irritation or upset.
  • Hair design: The hair will reflect a classic early Victorian updo hairstyle as the book was set in the early 1800's. As she has lost the will to look after herself as she focuses on tormenting others, her hair will be distressed and messy. I want to create a stereotypical Victorian style that is matted and tangled through back combing. I will also want to create white roots in the hair to show an aged look.
  • How will this impact on viewers and the audience: Using these techniques to create a distressed and undone look will hopefully demonstrate clearly to the viewer her age but more importantly the impact her lifestyle can have on her - physically and mentally. Up until this point, she is a strongly disliked character and she is so desperately seeking approval or redemption and with the aspect I plan to incorporate, I hope to portray the stage in her life to the audience obviously.

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