Tuesday 9 February 2016

Advertising Red Lip Trend - MUA and Hair Styling Collaboration

As part of another collaboration, I agreed to help a fashion photography student to develop my beauty makeup skills. The brief was glowing and perfected skin with a bold red lip and slicked down hair. For the first shoot the lip was going to be neat and as it transitioned into the second part of the shoot this colour was smudged across her face for a more edgy finish for her photo design. I really enjoy emphasising people's natural beauty through contouring and perfecting the base and this model had a beautiful skin tone and bright blue eyes I wanted to bring out. Her skin was oily to combination with a few blemishes that I had to cover. The model also had great natural cheekbones that I bought out with cream contouring. It is actually very hard to perfect natural beauty with makeup! You do not want to go overboard with the coverage or colours otherwise it will defeat the object of 'natural' beauty. So I left the base looking glowly by using a satin primer mixed in with the cream foundation and powdered only the t-zone. I highlighted her cheekbones, nose, cupid's bow and brow bones to further bring out her beautiful bone structure. I straightened her hair a used gel and hairspray to keep the hair away from her face. This model had extremely long and thick hair which made it difficult to style in time and perfect the sleekness, so potentially next time with a similar style and model I would need the aid of a colleague. 

The final images have turned out beautifully and make great editorial images. I am extremely proud of the finish of the makeup as it is dewy and the focus is on the perfected lips (I am so in love with the Estee Lauder Kendall Jenner shade I bought into use that is featured in the images, to die for!!). However, I personally struggled with the hair thickness and straightening it so I do not feel it is as sleek as I had hoped but this is a skill I want to develop. This shoot has opened my eyes even more to my interest into fashion makeup design.

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