Monday 8 February 2016

Practising Early Victorian Hairstyles


  • Divide hair - create a front section from ear to ear (and click hair out of way) and leave rest of the hair from the back to create bun
  • Put back section of hair into tight ponytail 
  • Create bun - plaited and twisted are historically accurate
  • Section front of hair into neat middle parting
  • Plait each side, loop round ear and pin neatly into bun
Self Reflection
Unfortunately, I was ill in Helen's practical lesson so I could not practise this with her aid. My classmates sent my information and photos for me to practice from. Ideally I would've liked to have been in this class to get feedback for my first attempt at a Victorian hairstyle, however, I am pleased for a first go. The plait is tight, neat and in the correct positioning and the plaited bun is effective within the rest of the hairstyle. 

Next time, I would make sure that the parting going up from the ears is completely straight. I would also make sure the hair is slicked down to the head, maybe with the aid of some gel or hairspray (although I was not sure if products would've been used in this style). Also, ideally I would be able to work on someone with long hair to be able to create a bigger bun to work with.

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