Monday 22 February 2016

Miss Havisham Hair Designs

Design 1
Initially for my character design of Miss Havisham, I wanted to create a very neat and traditional early Victorian hairstyle to reflect her life and how she would've been presented before she was left by her fiance. There would be a centre parting and a plait either side of my models face leading back into a twisted bun. I would roughen up the plait and the bun to reflect her self-destruction and self-abandonment. 

Design 2
F0r my second design, I took a lot of influence from the early Victorian hair styles that were common in the era Miss Havisham would've lived in. Women's hair would almost always been in a centre parting with either plaits or curls either side of the face to frame the woman's beauty. I want to create three symmetrical curls either side of my models face to reflect her status she once held as a well turned out woman of wealth. I will tie the rest of the hair away into a plaited bun. In this time in Victorian England, woman's hair was long but always tied up so I will include this aspect into Miss Havisham's design. I want to explore what type of curls I will create - ringlets, curls or messy waves - and this will be affected by the time in the book I style her around.

Design 3
I have elaborated on my first design to incorporate the time I am basing my character of Miss Havisham around. I want to produce a design for when she is at the end of her life in the novel following her life of tormenting Pip and seeking revenge. As Pip is now grown up, it has been at least 15 years since we were first introduced to her (and even at that point she was not presented very well). As she has abandoned herself throughout a life of misery, her hair will be matted and messy. I intend on create the style of my first design but will use backcombing techniques to mess up the style in a strategic way that will be easy to re-create for continuity. 

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