Thursday 25 February 2016

First Try Out of Products for Miss Havisham Makeup

 Latex + Foundation
My model Beth and I took time out after class to practise some of my new skills to see what is going to be most effective and what doesn't look good. In this series of photos I applied a layer of latex over areas I wanted to visibly age or create dry skin (I followed the process Sue taught us in our technical lesson). Beth has very youthful and plump skin so I found it very difficult to create wrinkles! They were not very visible once I had dried the latex and once I applied my base (Kryolan Ultrafoundation and Illamasqua Skin Base) the layer of latex became extremely visible and create a rough and dry texture on areas that were meant to look like her skin. It also clung to the latex a lot so all the colour was in a block on the latex and was almost impossible to blend. I spoke to Sue and she advised how it may have been the Skin Base I mixed in that caused it to become so dry. I was very unhappy with the resul as it was so visible and would not be good for high definition broadcasting. However, the effect I created for dry skin (shown in the last 2 photos) are very effective in a subtle way and I feel if I practised again and coloured them effectively it would a good way to incorporate sfx subtly in this assessment.

Foundation and Concealer
I also wanted to try out ageing with soft brown shades of concealer that Sue had demonstrated in our tech ageing lesson. I applied a mixture of Illamasqua Skin Base in 1 and Kryolan Ultrafoundation in Ivory to create a pale complexion but I do think it is slightly too white so I will try and mix less white next time to keep it looking realistic (which will make the blending of the wrinkles less obvious). I did not apply anything to the brows to keep it historically accurate, however, next application I may brush a little bit of white to age her further. Following that, I use a mixture of D14 + D15 Kryolan concealers to sculpt and add wrinkles (added lines on forehead and smile lines then blended). I focused the sculpting to the cheekbones, eye sockets and nose area. I feel it worked effectively as it was very subtle but may need to be slightly heavier to be picked up in HD. I will also apply this sculpting colour to the temples next attempt to slim the face further to create a skeletal look. Powder was applied all over, however, next time I will only apply to Beth's oily areas as I have designed my character to have deserted her appearance so she would not have applied powder but the look still needs to be HD ready so I will use a fine powder sparingly.

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