Tuesday 2 February 2016

SFX Aging

Products Used:
  • Liquid Latex
  • Acetone
  • Barrier Cream
  • Stipple Sponge
  • Cotton Buds
Health & Safety
  • Conduct allergy test on model's forearm and check no rash or itchiness appears
  • Check with model for any current skin complaints 
  • Make sure all sponges/brushes are clean
  • Make sure model's eyes are closed at all times whilst using latex or acetone on the face
  • Cover model
  • Wash hands
Consultation Notes
  • Name: Bronya Leavesley
  • Age: 20
  • Hair type: Medium length, blonde hair - dyed
  • Skin type: Combination
  • Skin tone: Light with pink undertones
(For hands)
  • Use barrier cream all over area that is being worked on
  • Stretch skin on top of hand
  • Stipple latex all over
  • Hair dry on cool setting unless product goes translucent
  • Powder over top
Before and After Powdering
(For forehead and eyes)
1 layer of latex on forehead

  • Cleanse, tone and use barrier cream (instead of moisturiser) to clean face
  • Get the model to smile or wrinkle their forehead and crinkle their eyes to work out where the lines are and where they would age
  • Stretch the skin around area and stipple latex
  • Use hair dryer to dry until product goes clear
  • If edge is harsh, use acetone on a bud and wipe excess off before using
  • Powder
  • Layer up if needed
1st Layer of Latex (quite subtle)
2nd layer (wrinkle deeper but bubbling occured
following too much product being applied
at once)

Self Reflection
Following our first SFX/prostechics lessons, I found it difficult to get to grips with new products. I have played around with moulding wax and latex before but I have never been taught how to professionally use it so I was nervous but very excited to get started in the area I am most interested in. Bronya went first with practising on me and it gave me a good idea of how all the products feel on my skin. As Sue tried to correct a small error of Bronya's, a fair amount of acetone was used on my face and I had a small reaction that caused a red rash on that area and that taught me to be extra careful on my models! 

I was nervous to be working around my model's eyes, however, once I started using the sponge (another new tool!) I learnt how much product to load onto the face and how to apply. Bronya has very youthful and tight skin so I found it difficult to create deep and noticable wrinkles on her young skin! But I was very pleased with the first layer of latex on both the forehead and eye area and the edges were pretty seamless. Applying a second layer slightly ruined my era application as I applied to much product without blending/spreading it more so it left a bubble which covered the texture I had created. I have learnt now to make sure the layer is spread evenly with no edges and no bubbles! 

I am particularly happy with the effect on Bronya's hands. I feel that picked up most on the creases on her knuckles and really aged her skin once I powdered as it made the skin look dry and cracked. The edges on the fingers looked a bit flaky but unintentionally adds to an aged, drying skin! If I were re-creating this, I would go onto add more colouring to hand to age it further. Next time I would like to practise on more areas to experience the various results I could get but I am pleased with my first attempt and excited to try some more!

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