Tuesday 19 April 2016

Unit 2 Evaluation

The most enjoyable part of the project for me was creating characters for a modern horror television show. The reason being is that I was able to have almost complete freedom to create whatever I like whilst incorporating sfx makeup. As well as the fact I was able to create ideas for a television show that I love! I found the research for my makeup designs very interesting this term as I had to create a background story for these characters and discover what their environments would be like, which then allowed me to create more detailed and accurate ideas for my designs that I was very happy with in the end. Following these two projects, I am very excited to further develop my special effects skills to refine them for future projects in university and beyond.

Overall, I personally feel the most successful part of my project was the character designs for the Walking Dead. Everything about the project engaged me so I really wanted to get stuck in and produce an excellent outcome. As I want to be a makeup designer and artist for television and film, the second project gave me an opportunity to be a part of this process. Compared to the first project, creating a character for Great Expectation, I feel I had a lot of freedom and did not have to stick to many guidelines (which allowed the whole project to be really creative and fun!). The final photos demonstrate my favourite makeup and hair work so far as I feel like they fit into the Walking Dead atmosphere very well. The final makeup went how I wanted on both days and I feel I executed them well apart from a handful of things I would’ve improved if I did it again, like the edges of the special effects applications. I also feel they are versatile and different from each other but still work together and within the television show which allowed me to show different makeup skills.

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