Thursday 14 April 2016

Claudia - Final Images

To set the scene...
Claudia applies her grease makeup on her eyes to prepare herself for her 'villainous' role in her veiled and psychotic lifestyle in her dark and isolated flat. She starts to devour her latest cannibalistic victim and the red blood starts to soak into her lips, adding to her Femme Fatale look. Knock. Knock. Knock. Mrs Laderman is early with her next victim. She hesitantly opens the front door as she hears moans and groans on the other side...

Mrs Laderman launches a walker upon Claudia as she opens the door and makes a run for a new life, away from the mental torture of Claudia. Before Claudia can realise what's happened, she's been bitten. She rips the walker off her and kills it, however, it's already too late...

Final Makeup Images

In-Character Images

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